School History

Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Perry

 School History

Our school is named after Mr. A.E. Perry (in photo above).  Mr. Perry was born on April 16, 1898 in Webwood, Ontario.  At the age of twelve, he worked his way West entirely on his own, jumping freight trains, cutting wood and working in kitchens.  Eventually, he moved to Kamloops and became a ranch hand at Tranquille.  He remained in Kamloops until April 15, 1915, when he enlisted in the army.  After years of service, he was honourably discharged in 1918 in Victoria.  He lived in various places in Canada before returning to Kamloops to live with his wife in 1930.

Mr. Perry was a strong, community-minded individual who served for eight years on the School District #24 (Kamloops) Board of Trustees and he was honoured for his service by having this school named after him on June 8, 1966.

To see more historical photos of A.E. Perry Elementary, click on Historical Photo Gallery.

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